The Isle of Luing Community Trust was established in May 2005. It is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. It is led by Luing residents who make up the Board of Directors.
The company’s main purpose is the sustainable development of the island of Luing. This includes provision and access to recreational facilities and events; advancing education in Luing history and heritage; community development including rural regeneration; and to improve opportunities locally for training and employment and advance environmental protection.
We own and run The Atlantic Islands Centre, a visitor & community centre, as well as the public moorings near Cullipool.
We are currently exploring the feasability of a community owned small-scale slate project in Cullipool on Luing. Early proposal can be found here 'Luing Slate Circular Economy Project' . Questions raised by some Cullipool residents at community consultation on 4th of September 2021 together with answers can be found here 'Luing Slate Q&A'
The Trust commissioned a report about the Cullipool shore from Dr Martin Hurst and Prof Jim Hanson from the University of Glasgow and The Dynamic Coast Project to support the work of the Flood Protection Group. The report provides a detailed description of the history of the shore, the present situation, and what future changes we can expect. It also outlines proposed options to protect the village on an ongoing basis.
We are delighted to announce that we submitted our Framework for Luing to Argyll and Bute Council planning team as of 10th November 2023. This will be registered formally, as a Local Place Plan and recorded against the council’s Local Development Plan so that our plans and aspirations have the best chance of being accepted and taken forward.
We worked with WT Architecture and the Luing community in 2022/23 to produce our Framework and it sets out what we collectively wish from upcoming developments and projects on the island, including affordable housing, coastal defence, Net Zero for Luing and the slate quarry project.
Whether you are an islander, visitor or business operator, we repeat our thanks for sharing your priorities, opinions, opportunities and the challenges that these will present.
The initial community consultation feedback report can be found here and a full copy of all Q&A can be found here - Report 1 / Report 2
Small Slate enterprise –A Screening and Scoping document was submitted to planning authorities for Small Slate extraction and beach replenishment.
Click here - Screening & Scoping Report or pop in to the centre for a paper copy to view
As promised We have completed an ecological survey and that report can be found by clicking the link. The response from Argyll & Bute Planning Team is here - 23-00779-SCRSCO.cleaned.pdf
We thank everyone for their support and input to our Housing and Business Needs Survey delivered by Community Housing Trust. This has been shared with Argyll and Bute Council and helps inform our next steps in working to deliver new affordable housing for Luing.
We invite all residents of Luing and postcode unit PA34 4RB aged 12 and over to become members of the Trust and there are associate memberships available to any supporters of the organisation.
To join please download the membership form here 'Trust Membership Form' and send completed copy to the Atlantic Islands Centre.
Membership is free for 2022
Donations are always very gratefully received. If you wish to make a donation:
Or make a bank transfer - Sort code: 80-11-00 Acc: 10077066 and make a donation
The board is made up of members who are voted in annually at our AGM, usually held in September/October. Our current board members are :
Martin Whitmore, James Williams, Hazel Cruickshanks, Colin Buchanan, Mary Whitmore.
The Trust Articles of Association can be found here 'Trust Articles of Association'
The full accounts of the Trust for 2023 can be found here 'Trust 2023 Accounts'
No current vacancies
Isle of Luing Community Trust is committed to following the Scottish Government guidance on Fair Work First to create a workplace that is built on the five key dimensions of Fair Work: effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment, and respect.
We will:
· Support the payment of the Real Living Wage as a minimum.
· Not use inappropriate zero hours contracts.
· Oppose the use of fire and hire practices.
· Provide opportunities, where appropriate, for professional development.
· Offer flexible & family friendly working practices including job-share, working from home part-time hours to promote work-life balance.
· Reference Fair Work First criteria in our procurement contracts to encourage third party providers to adopt positive fair work practices.
More information here: The Fair Work Framework - The Fair Work Convention